Beauty and Style

How to wear lipstick (even if you think it doesn’t suit you)

March 18, 2015

I’ve only started wearing lipstick in the last couple of years. I loved the look, but it always felt a bit too grown up and the few times I tried it, I felt so self-conscious (probably not helped by the fact that I bought terrible, cheap, frosted lipsticks). What I have learnt since then is that there’s a short adjustment period where you feel like everyone’s staring at your very bold lips – or, in my case, staring at the result of sloppily applied lipstick that has slowly smeared itself across my face during the day – but once you get past that, it’s actually just really fun. Also, don’t be put off by the thought that lipstick doesn’t suit you – you just need to find the right colour and formulation. Don’t be scared by red lipstick either; I agree with Sali Hughes here (obviously), everyone looks good in red lipstick.

how to wear lipstick (even if you think it doesn't suit you)

I love how lipstick works as an extra accessory – you could just be wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but add a bold lip and suddenly you look really pulled together. Likewise, when George was small and I felt like all I ever wore was a nursing top and jeans, a slick of lipstick made me feel a bit more glamorous, a bit more me. And the best thing about bold lipstick? It looks awesome in photos.

If you’re nervous about wearing lipstick for the first time, I recommend trying it out on a day when you’re not planning to see anyone. I often try out different lipsticks when I’m going to the park with George or even just working from home all day. It may sound weird, but the last thing you want to do is try out a red lipstick for the first time on a big night out and then feel awkward or spend the whole night worrying that it’s worn off. On that note, whatever long-lasting claims your lipstick makes, you will need to reapply. Yes, it’s a bit annoying, but all you need to do is re-apply quickly every time you go to the loo. Or get a compact so you can discreetly check its status wherever you are.

How to wear lipstick (even if you think it doesn't suit you)

My absolute favourite lipsticks

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipsticks are my all-time favourite lipsticks. Although they’re a liquid applicator, they dry to a matt finish that lasts nearly all day. Plus, at £8.99, they’re not too expensive either. I have personne ne rouge (a great red that I’m wearing here), pink pong (a hot pink that I’m wearing here) and funchsia (a corally-pink that I’m wearing here).



Maybelline Color Drama Lipstick (which is actually a crayon) is another good budget option and Rimmel also does great lipsticks at a really affordable price; they’re perfect for trying out a new shade. I also have a Mac lipstick in Lady danger and it is the perfect orangey-red (I’m wearing it here).

There are also tonnes of tutorials out there on the best way to apply lipstick. I like these posts from Cupcakes and Cashmere on achieving the bare face, bold lip look and lipstick tricks for novices. I have quite dry lips so I usually exfoliate my lips gently with my toothbrush in the shower (yes, I brush my teeth in the shower) and then apply lip balm when I put on my moisturiser. That way it has time to sink in while I do the rest of my make-up. For day-to-day lipstick wearing, I usually skip lip liner and just apply two coats of lipstick, blotting gently in between.

Will you be giving lipstick a try? Or do you already work a bold lip? What are your recommendations?

P.S. Why you should try bronzer and primers as well.

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